Halloween Weeks! October 13- 31, 2019

Welcome to this SPOOOOOOKY 6th edition of the Cool Kids Cooking Club — a “virtual” club where kids and their parents cook the same dishes the same weeks as kids all across the country!

If this is your first time hearing about the club,  read this post  first about how it all works:  Cooking Club Introduction

If you want to join the club — please do! The more the merrier!  Click here to join our club group on Facebook, where our interaction will take place (it will ask you three questions to join: if you want to join the cool kids cooking club  (this is not a commitment to anything), how old your kids are, and how you heard about the club).

You can also find  Week One at this link HERE  and  Week Two HERE  and  Week Three HERE  and  Week Four HERE   and Weeks Five HERE

(this is the badge for this edition, if you are doing badges for your kids. If you want to learn more about badges,  read the introduction post )

Our 3 Halloween Dishes are:

  1. Jack-O-Peppers Stuffed Peppers
  2.  Spider Dip
  3.  Hall-o-Cream Brownies

You can make all three for one meal, or spread them out throughout the end of the month — whatever works for you and your family! You could even incorporate them into a Halloween Party! Just try to make all three within the weeks of October 13-31st , 2019 (and please post about them in our Facebook group!)

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Jack-O-Peppers Stuffed Peppers
A spooooky main dish for Halloween time!
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Mexican
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Mexican
  1. Long before you are ready to eat, slow cook your chicken breasts. Just put the two chicken breasts into the slow cooker and sprinkle the whole packet of taco seasoning on them and that's it! Let cook on low for 3-5 hours. Once they are ready, shred with a couple forks.
  2. Get a steamer going, either over a pot or in a rice cooker (this is what I did). While you are waiting for the steam to heat up, cut the tops off your peppers and remove all seeds and inner white-stuff. Use a pairing knife to carefully carve a little face in the front like you would a pumpkin! Steam your peppers all together or in batches for 5 minutes or until soft.
  3. Preheat your oven to 350F
  4. Cook your Mexican Rice according to box instructions (or if you make Mexican Rice homemade -- more power to ya!) Yield should be about 2 cups.
  5. When the rice is ready, add the shredded chicken and black beans to it, and 1 cup of cheese. Stir to combine.
  6. Sit the peppers up in a baking dish and fill them to the brim with the chicken mix. Sprinkle the remaining cup of cheese on the tops. Bake for 20-30 minutes or until the cheese is melty and the peppers and filling are soft and warm. Eat immediately!
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Spider Dip
A festive Chip Dip!
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Mexican
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Mexican
  1. This is basically just a 7ish layer bean dip -- so you can totally customize it however you want! This is just how I made mine:
  2. Mix together refried beans and cream cheese. Spread on the bottom of a pie pan.
  3. Mix together sour cream and taco seasoning. Spread on top of beans.
  4. Use prepared guacamole -- or make your own -- and spread that on top of the sour cream mix.
  5. I used one of those sour cream already-in-a-squeeze-bottle contraptions and it worked great! Or you can put sour cream into a piping bag or plastic bag and snip the corner off. This is to create your spider web look!
  6. Next, sprinkle the diced tomatoes around the outside and cut a cute little spider out of tomatoes or olives to sit in the center of the web. Serve with blue tortilla chips if you have them!
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Hall-O-Cream Brownies
Course Dessert
Brownie Layer
Cream Cheese Layer
Course Dessert
Brownie Layer
Cream Cheese Layer
  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. Mix together 2 eggs, vegetable oil, and vanilla in a stand mixer or by hand. Add in the sugar, flour, chocolate powder -- I used Dark to make the dark color pop -- Salt, and Baking Powder.
  3. Grease an 8x8 or 9x9 pan. Pour in the chocolate batter, leaving 1/3 cup behind.
  4. In a different bowl, mix together the cream cheese layer ingredients, last added food color to get the perfect orange!
  5. Pour the orange cream layer carefully over the chocolate layer and smooth evenly.
  6. Dollop the remaining 1/3 cup chocolate batter scattered across the cream later and use a toothpick to "marble" the chocolate through.
  7. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Serve with ice cream!
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My Tip For The Week:

Kids love ANY job in the kitchen you will give them (at least my kids do). This weekend, we had a huge lemon tree that has been ripening lemons all year just suddenly SNAP  IN HALF to the ground. So, of course we wanted to salvage the lemons, so we enlisted some friend’s help and all hands were on deck. We ended up with over 1,500 lemons off that tree.  It was such a huge job to then clean then, cut them, press them, cook the juice in sugar, and bottle it into jars. And honestly, all those parts are kinda hard for kids to do. BUT, I decided to let my 4 year old Hazel “help” by scrubbing the lemons for us. And it was like she found her purpose in life.

So, even if you just want your kid to sprinkle taco seasoning onto a chicken breast — they will love it and love yo u for including them!


I hope you are showing your kids our  Facebook Group! One of the main aspects of the club is connecting with other kids. My children love looking at the pics and videos of your kids making and eating the same foods they are. It is a highlight for sure!

If you are newly joining us  and want to purchase badges, I take orders on a monthly basis. So please wait until the end of November when I make the December order, and let me know if you want the September/October/November badges as well. Badges are $3 each per week per child and I order them 1 month at a time ($12 per child per month). I buy the badges online in bulk and am selling them at cost. I will personally mail them to your home!

Badges  are totally optional and not necessary to participate in the club — but I’ll tell ya — my kids are TOTALLY motivated to help cook and eat the food when they know they are receiving a badge! It’s the best! The badges get sewn onto the child’s personal apron and are a reminder of the awesome achievement they made; of helping cook and trying new foods!