Hawaiian Teriyaki Chicken

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Hawaiian Teriyaki Chicken
A delicious taste of Hawaii that is easy to make at home with your kids.
Chicken Thighs
Chicken Thighs
  1. Mix all the ingredients into a large bowl. Measure out the ingredients and let the kids add them to the bowl.
  2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, leaving the stir spoon inside the bowl. Refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days. Every time you open the fridge for something, give the chicken a stir!
  3. Once you are ready to get cooking, preheat a grill or grill pan to medium high heat. Remove the chicken to the grill and pour the remaining marinade down the drain (raw chicken swimming in the sauce = bacteria you don't want on your cooked chicken!)
  4. Grill the chicken completely. Chicken should have an internal temperature of 165F to be completely cooked through (chicken is not like steak, it has only one doneness -- DONE or RAW).
  5. Serve immediately with pineapple chunks on the side!
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About The Author

Ashley Craft

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Hawaiian Teriyaki Chicken
A delicious taste of Hawaii that is easy to make at home with your kids.
Chicken Thighs
Chicken Thighs
  1. Mix all the ingredients into a large bowl. Measure out the ingredients and let the kids add them to the bowl.
  2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap, leaving the stir spoon inside the bowl. Refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days. Every time you open the fridge for something, give the chicken a stir!
  3. Once you are ready to get cooking, preheat a grill or grill pan to medium high heat. Remove the chicken to the grill and pour the remaining marinade down the drain (raw chicken swimming in the sauce = bacteria you don't want on your cooked chicken!)
  4. Grill the chicken completely. Chicken should have an internal temperature of 165F to be completely cooked through (chicken is not like steak, it has only one doneness -- DONE or RAW).
  5. Serve immediately with pineapple chunks on the side!
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