September 15-21, 2019 — Nǐ hǎo from China


Nǐ hǎo and welcome to the third week of the Cool Kids Cooking Club — a “virtual” club where kids and their parents cook the same dishes the same week as kids all across the country!
If this is your first time hearing about the club, read this post first about how it all worksCooking Club Introduction
If you want to join the club — please do! The more the merrier! Click here to join our club group on Facebook, where our interaction will take place (it will ask you three questions to join: if you want to join the cool kids cooking club (this is not a commitment to anything), how old your kids are, and how you heard about the club).

You can also find Week One at this link HERE and Week Two HERE

(this is the badge for the week, if you are doing badges for your kids. If you want to learn more about badges, read the introduction post )

Our 3 Chinese Dishes are:

  1. Chicken Lettuce Wraps
  2. Chow Mein
  3. Custard Egg Tarts

You can make all three for one meal, or spread them out throughout the week — whatever works for you and your family! Just try to make all three within the week of September 15-21, 2019 (and please post about them in our Facebook group!)

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Chicken Lettuce Wraps
These lettuce wraps are fresh, delicious, and easy to make!
  1. Heat the 1 Tablespoon Sesame Oil, then add onion and cook until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook 2 more minutes.
  2. Add ground chicken and cook until all the way browned through.
  3. Add the Hoisin Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Sesame Oil, and Grated Ginger, plus a sprinkle of black pepper. Stir.
  4. Use scissors to snip the green onion into small pieces, and dice the water chestnuts. Add to the chicken mix and heat for 3 more minutes. Remove from heat.
  5. Serve immediately by spooning chicken mix onto the middle of butter or iceberg lettuce. Careful of drips!
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Chow Mein
Yummy noodles and veggies inspired by Panda Express
Cuisine Chinese
Cuisine Chinese
  1. Cook Spaghetti noodles per box instructions, drain and set aside.
  2. In a shallow pot, pan, or wok, heat sesame oil until hot. Add the veggies and cook for 3 minutes stirring often.
  3. Add in the noodles, soy sauce, and oyster sauce. Toss for a minute or two until well combined. Serve Immediately!
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Custard Egg Tarts
These tasty little treats are easy to make and are a crowd pleaser!
Course Dessert
Cuisine Chinese
Course Dessert
Cuisine Chinese
  1. Preheat oven to 400F and remove Puff Pastry from freezer.
  2. Meanwhile, put sugar and water into a microwave safe bowl and microwave 1 minute. Stir. Microwave 1 minute more. Stir to be sure all sugar is completely dissolved. Put this into the freezer to cool.
  3. Once puff pastry can easily be unfolded, open it up and use a rolling pin to flatten a bit. I used a biscuit cutter to cut my circles and they fit perfectly into a mini-muffin pan. If you want to use a standard muffin pan or individual tart tins, cut your circles a little bigger. Grease your tin/cups and put the puff pastry circles inside.
  4. Check to see if the sugar water is cooled to room temperature. Once it is, add the evaporated milk, vanilla, eggs + egg yolk and whisk well.
  5. Strain this through a sieve to get out all the lumps and egg gunk. Pour the remaining liquid into the puff pastry shells, just below the rim.
  6. Bake for 10-15 minutes (or less if making minis) or until the edges start to brown. Reduce heat to 350F and bake an additional 10-15 minutes or until a toothpick remains standing up when poked in the middle of one.
  7. Allow to cool a few minutes and then enjoy!
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My tip for the week is:

Set your kids up for success. For example, the recipe that inspired the Custard Tarts was simply called “Egg Tarts”, which is probably what they refer to them in Chinese cuisine. However, my picky 6 year old HATES eggs and I knew this would deter him from trying them. So, I simply called them “Custard Tarts” or “Pudding Tarts” or “Vanilla Tarts” every time I referred to them. He got so excited to try them, LOVED them, and ate several.


I hope you are showing your kids our Facebook Group! One of the main aspects of the club is connecting with other kids. My children love looking at the pics and videos of your kids making and eating the same foods they are. It is a highlight for sure!

If you are newly joining us and want to purchase badges, I take orders on a monthly basis. So please wait until the end of September when I make the October order, and let me know if you want the September badges as well. Badges are $3 each per week per child and I order them 1 month at a time ($12 per child per month). I buy the badges online in bulk and am selling them at cost. I will personally mail them to your home!

Badges are totally optional and not necessary to participate in the club — but I’ll tell ya — my kids are TOTALLY motivated to help cook and eat the food when they know they are receiving a badge! It’s the best! The badges get sewn onto the child’s personal apron and are a reminder of the awesome achievement they made; of helping cook and trying new foods!